How our family is handling Coronavirus in our home and at school.


Coronavirus Precautions

I know the world is nuts right now about the Coronavirus. I want to share with you how we are taking the same practical steps regarding germs and how the products we choose to use don't damage the very tissues, the lungs, that this virus affects. 


Daily Precautions for Coronavirus

✅ We're using Sol-u-Guard to spray down door handles, faucets, tables, and sinks. I'm also using it to spray down the bottoms of all of our shoes and backpacks when people come home each night. 

✅ I have the Sol-u-Guard wipes in my car and use those to wipe down anything - steering wheel, gear shift, kids, etc. 

✅ I also keep the Sol-u-Guard wipes in my purse along with Clear Defense. 

✅ We typically would take Activate-C when we felt a cold coming on but since Vitamin C helps keep immune systems happy - I'm making sure to give it to the boys daily with their Koala Pals vitamins. 

✅ Chris and I are also taking 6000 units of Vitamin D each day since in Michigan we're definitely lacking in Vitamin D. 

Mainstream Cleaners Damaging Our Lungs

I also wanted to share with you the latest lung study that once again reveals that while marketing messaging from the mainstream companies is cute, clever, and downright appealing - the exposure of ourselves, kids, and pets to these chemicals is affecting our lungs. 

I'm glad people do these studies but for myself, I don't need a study to know that when I used to clean our bathroom with bleach that I needed to open the windows, turn on the fans, and even then - could feel my eyes burning and it was hard to breathe - and now I'm so spoiled by the lack of harsh chemicals in our world that it's really only when I go through the car wash that I can smell how STRONG the chemicals are. 

If you haven't read the first lung study that found that exposure to household chemicals delivered the same lung damage as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, you can read about that here. 

Practical Doctor Advice for Coronavirus Dos and Don'ts

We received this from a family doctor and I thought it was practical and free from the fear-mongering headlines that are a necessity of the news media and wanted to share it with you. 

NO HANDSHAKING! Use a fist pump, elbow bump or even a slight bow.
Use ONLY your knuckle to touch light switches, elevator buttons, etc.
Lift the gasoline dispenser with a paper towel or use a disposable glove.
Open doors with your closed fist or hip. Do NOT grasp the handle with your hand, unless there is no other way to open the door. Especially important on bathroom and commercial doors.
Use disinfectant wipes at stores when they are available, including wiping the handle and child seat in grocery stores.
Wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds and/or use a greater than 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer whenever you return home from ANY activity that involves locations where other people have been.
If possible, cough or sneeze into a disposable tissue and discard.
Use the crook of your elbow only if you have to.
Virus can remain on clothing for as long as one week.
The virus is spread in large droplets by coughing and sneezing. This means that the air will not infect you.
BUT all surfaces where these droplets land are infectious for about one week.
The virus only has receptors for lung cells meaning it only infects the lungs.
The only way for the virus to infect you is through your nose and mouth.
Generally this means that we introduce the virus into our airways ourselves.
The point of the masks is to prevent us (or remind us) not to touch our faces.
This may be a good enough reason to have them.
The standard masks do not prevent the inhalation of sub-microscopic viral particles.
You can stock up on hand sanitizer which contains 60% alcohol based.
It is generally advised to stay away from large gatherings.
It is generally advised to wear latex gloves while riding public transportation.
You should be washing your hands 8-10 times daily, on average, and every time you return home and before you eat.
Some experts think zinc lozenges may be effective in preventing the virus from multiplying in your throat.
If you want to use them the time to do it is at the first sign you have a cold or scratchy throat.
Almost all adult patients who prove to have COVID-19 have FEVER.
Please have a working thermometer.
The symptoms we worry about and look for are progressive cough and shortness of breath.
These are signs of lower respiratory illness akin to pneumonia.
Again, the virus has predilection for LUNG tissue.
Headache, sinus congestion, sore throat are less suggestive of corona virus.
Everyone should have a flu vaccine.
Even at this late date.
There are cases of patients having both corona virus and influenza.
Don't be one of them.
I am asking patients over the age of 75 or those with serious respiratory ailments to be especially careful.
The New York State Department of Health is gearing up to provide commercial testing for COVID-19.
It is not yet commercially available and samples have to go to Albany on a case by case basis.
Remember, this is not SARS or Ebola.
Those illnesses were highly lethal.
Still, we treat all viral illnesses with a lot of respect.
To paraphrase Winston Churchill: A virus is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma and can always cause trouble.

May we share more with you?

We'd love to have you follow along with us as we keep learning more about how to have healthier homes and bodies - so we can live our Vacationing Life to the fullest!